Cloud Application Security vs Cloud Governance

August 25, 2022

Cloud Application Security vs Cloud Governance

As cloud computing continues to dominate the world of technology, businesses are increasingly relying on cloud services for data storage and application deployment. While the cloud offers numerous benefits, it comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in the areas of application security and governance. In this blog post, we will compare cloud application security and cloud governance, discussing their importance and how they differ.

Importance of Cloud Application Security

Cloud application security refers to the measures that are put in place to protect cloud-based applications and data against unauthorized access, theft, and cyber-attacks. As businesses continue to move their applications to the cloud, it has become increasingly important to secure these applications to ensure the protection of sensitive data.

According to a study published by IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million. This is a significant amount of money that businesses cannot afford to lose, making cloud application security a top priority. In addition to financial losses, a data breach can also lead to loss of customer trust and reputational damage.

Importance of Cloud Governance

Cloud governance, on the other hand, refers to the policies, procedures, and guidelines put in place to ensure the proper management and control of cloud computing resources. It is important to implement cloud governance to ensure that all cloud-based applications and data are properly managed and secured.

According to a study conducted by Flexera, 87% of businesses use more than one cloud provider. This makes it vital to have a cloud governance strategy in place to ensure that all cloud providers are properly managed and secured. Cloud governance also helps businesses reduce costs by optimizing resources and avoiding duplication of services.

Comparison of Cloud Application Security and Cloud Governance

While cloud application security and cloud governance are both critical to the success of a cloud-based environment, they differ in their key focus areas. Cloud application security focuses on protecting applications and data from cyber threats and unauthorized access. In contrast, cloud governance focuses on the proper management and control of cloud resources.

Cloud application security and cloud governance are also impacted by different regulations and compliance standards. Cloud application security is typically governed by industry-specific regulations such as HIPAA and PCI DSS, while cloud governance is influenced by regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.


In conclusion, cloud application security and cloud governance are essential components of a successful cloud environment. While they differ in their key areas of focus, both are critical to ensuring the protection and proper management of cloud resources. By properly implementing both cloud application security and cloud governance, businesses can minimize the risk of data breaches, optimize cloud resources, and ensure compliance with regulations.


  1. IBM. (2020). Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020.
  2. Flexera. (2021). 2021 State of the Cloud Report.

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